How to manage a covid-19 patient. According to doctors' experiences.
This bloomy pandemic was started at 31 December 2019 in whuhan city of China. By and unknown pneumonia causative factor. Now it is spreading  all over the globe.
           Zhejiang University School of Medicine China
In China Zhejiang University School of Medicine is the primary medical care center for COVID-19 inZhejiang Province. Based on the present expert consensus carried out by National Health Commission and National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, our team summarized and established an effective treatment strategy centered on ,
"Four-Anti and Two-Balance" for clinical practice. The "Four-Anti and Two-Balance"strategy included 1.antivirus, (giving antiviral medicine which we have)
2.anti-shock, (maintaining the psychological level of the patient)
3.anti-hyoxemia, (in case the patient cannot breathe well we have to give him artificial oxygen supply by ventilator)
4.anti-secondary infection, (avoiding secondary infections immunity can focus on coronavirus)*
and maintaining of 1.water,electrolyte and 2.acid base balance and microecological balance
             Zhejiang University School of Medicine China

so what is important from this article for us the most important thing in this article is balancing of water electrolytes acid and base and micro organism flora of our body which will be the best immunity care for our body for a person who is not affected by coronavirus.
 A person can take fruit which contains high amount of vitamin c. For immunity purpose.
                vegetables and Fruits containing vitamin c

Which are the things which maintains water and electrolyte balance inside our body?

While you are running or doing any activity which causes exhaustion. Causes dehydration in this condition the water inside the body which is main content of 70% of all cell. So person need to drink sufficient amount of water not overhydrated or dehydrated. For maintaining electrolyte balance a person should take all recommended amount of minerals like sodium ,potassium, calcium etc.
If you want a full article about needs of of minerals and vitamins request on the comment section 
thank you.
               glass of water with multivitamin tablet
 What to do for maintaining microorganism flora inside our body?
You can drink buttermilk or yoghurt with fat or without fat as per your need it contains very good amount of bacterias which creates major flora of our body.

               picture of yoghurt
If you are reading till now means you are a health freak person stay home stay safe and follow the guidelines given by the doctors in governments stay healthy.
